
Collection of random crap

Hey guys,

So I decided to show you some stuff (sometimes useless) that I keep in my room, sometimes without any reason. Sorry, the pictures make the post kinda long.
And forgive me, if you see dust on my pictures. D: (I swear I clean my room often but what can you do against dust, eh)

First, I have figures. And kinda otaku-ish figures.
And yes, I have a Hatsune Miku figure. DON'T JUDGE ME D8

The one on the right is Black Rock Shooter. It also comes in a chibi version.

Yes, she has dust on her head.
An other vocaloid character : Yowane Haku, with a little manekineko I found on a pack of mochi...

And a Felyne figure (from the Monster Hunter games) with a Rathalos armor. Nya~!

Second. I love nail polishes.

The picture explains all. However, I know that it isn't a "big" collection, but you might wanna know that few years ago, I only had black, red, pink and blue nail polishes. And now, I have OPI, MAC and even a Lancôme one. I became a girl.

Third. Game Boy cartridges. I thought I had more...

Some of them were bought in retrogame shops; the others are with me since that wonderful time when our video game pleasure was in 16 or 32 bits. You also might wanna know that I'm a retrogaming lover. :3

Fourth. Plushes.
And when I mean plushes, I mean different kinds of plushes and different sizes. First, let's meet those who are having fun on my desk.
Say hi to Moomin and Mr. Seal.

And say hi to Domo.

And this is my bed. Yup. When I go to sleep I put the big lion away. And if someone else is sleeping with me, I take them off haha

You're probably wondering if I sleep with a teddy ? Well, here is your answer...


I think that's it ! See ya in an other post o/

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